1. Credits -- LookaPW and 4armed Security
2. Download lic/dongle patch and license -- http://rghost.net/7MNBqBlQn
3. Download RCS setup (just google it)
Setup MD5 - 80D9F6C1D803A2321AC5B21615ADCAD8
Size: 1.05 GB
4. Install VMs
-- RCS MASTER ( Windows 7 x64 | 5 GB RAM )
-- RCS Collector ( Windows 7 x64 | 2 GB RAM)
-- Anonymizer ( CentOS 7 x64 | 2 GB RAM)
5. Configuration - Port forwarding
-- RCS MASTER -- 442 / 443 / 444
-- RCS collector -- 80
6. Configuration - RCS MASTER Installation
a. Set time 01 April 2015 (Disable internet time sync + vmx)
b. set hostname/computername -- "rcsmaster"
c. Update hosts file -- C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
-- xxx.xxx.xxx.xx rcscollector (IP of collector node) .. restart windows
Run RCS setup
-- Install Master node
- LIC -- FULL_VER.lic
- Password -- GalileoRCS1
c. Wait untill all files are extracted... When it says "removing old master node files.."
d. Goto C:\RCS\DB\bin -- replace/overwrite rcs-license-check
e. Wait for "Verify license.."
f. Goto C:\RCS\DB\lib\rcs-db-release\ -- replace/overwrite dongle.rb
g. Goto C:\RCS\DB\Console -- Install Adobe AIR then install console application
h. Open console
>> Username -- admin
>> Password -- GalileoRCS1
>> server -- rcsmaster
i. Wait for certificate import dilog... follow screenshots:
1. http ://prntscr. com/8xbdnn
2. http ://prntscr .com/8xbdqv
3. http ://prntscr. com/8xbduf
4. http ://prntscr. com/8xbdy9
5. http ://prntscr. com/8xbe2y
j. You will see RCS Dashboard.
k. Dont do anything, next install RCS collector
7. Configuration -- RCS collector
a. Set time 01 April 2015 (Disable internet time sync + vmx)
b. set hostname/computername -- "rcscollector"
c. Update hosts file -- C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
-- xxx.xxx.xxx.xx rcsmaster (IP of master node) .. restart windows
Run RCS setup
-- Install Collector node
-- Master node CN -- "rcsmaster"
-- local hostname -- "rcscollector"
-- Password -- GalileoRCS1
-- Verify connection to Master DB >> Finish
8. Configuration -- Anonymizer
-- First goto Master node Dashboard
-- System >> check collector connection (should be green)
-- Create new anonymizer "anon1" | IP address: xxx.xxx.xxx.xx
-- Drag anon1 over Collector
-- Build Proxy installer script
9. Configuration Proxy (anon1) - CentOS
-- become root
-- Disable firewall
>> systemctl disable firewalld
>> systemctl stop firewalld
-- chmod u+x install
-- sh install
-- Wait for install complete...!
10. Goto Master node Dashboard
-- System >> Apply configuration
11. ALL Configuration should be green.. Done! ))